Asalamulaikum...Salam Sejahtera Kepada Semua Semoga Bahagia

Boh heran mun bhs ku slalu campur...gik practice english skit2 sak prepare 4 the REAL WORLD...harap u all smua sudi bca blog ku..mun xbest,comment jak

Thursday, July 2, 2009


3T bukan maksud Tain Trun Town k tp Trip To family and I went to Tatau on 11th June 2009 and went back home to Cat City on 13th June 2009...the purpose is to visit my dad there

Sg di Tatau...da org padah da boyak

Pkl 1 lbih kmk org dah sampe jeraya mok msuk Sibu

Skolah di Sibu

Balai Polis Tatau

we arrived at Tatau between 3.3o p.m -4 p.m....sepanjang jalan ku nanga hijau jak..alhamdulillah...bgus and this is a good sign of improvement...fieq,there is wide range of location for the main base of SiTV...tanah kat Tatau leh di develop

Main problem at Tatau

This is the main problem in Tatau..due to a lot of factory operation,the sky turns black because of smoke release by the factories

Salah 1 haiwan pliharaan pegawai polis Tatau

Yup,that a crocodile..but just a baby...xtauk la cne nya org temu...boyak tok,mun di lepas da yg pendendam...nya org kan recognise sapa yg kurung nya...thats y boyak tok x dilepas.....buat masa tok,org di balai jaga...klak2,ma b di hantar kat Crocodile Farm...da 3 jenis pets..boyak tok,kucing and burung merpati...if I'm not mistaken

Monday, June 29, 2009

What I learn 2day khabar semua?...I know I had skip a few days from writing but I have something to do...alhamdulillah,I can now post another article......some say 'quality is better than quantiti' and 'the bigger,the better'...I agree to both of this statement....we need to apply this statement according to I learn a few things about business after joining my uncle to another MLM business talk but hold on,this time is caught my attention...not because of the money but the educational product....1 lesson that I will remember always is that b4 you are selling the product,you are selling yourself..don't get the wrong idea..hehehe..bukan jual dirik..jual personality....people will be interested if you show a positive attitude...and is about human relation as the Joker in The Dark Knight said and I quote ITS NOT ABOUT $$,ITS ABOUT SENDING A MSG.....through the 1st lesson, I learn how to cut the deal...This business is just another option to me...I have plan A and B 2 think about during my time on campus...I will tell you all in my next post

Thursday, June 18, 2009

What to do 2day?

I am at home 2day...not working because my last shift for this week was yesterday afternoon...I hope my shift will full next week and the week after...I need to make use of the time remaining b4 I return to my studies.....I received news that a few of my friends are taking there degree in Swinburne and UiTM..congratulations guys!....I hope to see you all soon...a lot of catching up to do....back 2 the topic...hmm,to day is Thursday so this is my to do list 4 today
1-Cut my hair (you can see my photo on fs)
2-Clean up my room (u do not wanna go in there)
3-Get my hp fix
4-Message my friends and ask them about their result

That is what I'm going to do today...and as 4 tomorrow, I don't know yet..hehe

Monday, June 15, 2009

Its Been A While

its been 4 months since I post my last article...not because i don't 1 2, its just that I cant..hehehe....I forgot my password and I need 2 reset is a list of my activities during my sem break (5 May 09-15 June 09)
1.Reading books

2.Playing a game (The Force Unleash)

3.Visit my teachers at SMK St Thomas

4.Hanging out with my friends Afiq Sahari, Afiq _(didn't remember his father's name..hehe), Shahid, Azim and my old school buddy, Shamsul

5.TTT (Travel To Tatau) 11 June 09-13 June 09...I will write about it A.S.A.P

6.I will be working from 2day, 15 June until 26 June 09

That is just a brief explanation...I will write about it in due time

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Salam..Miss Me?

Assalamualaikum to all....i'm home for the weekend...there are a few reasons why i came back
1) of course to see my Mom
2) to see my aunt, cousins and nephew b4 they went back home to Brunei
3) to stock up on necessary items- food, cloths

My life at home is still the same...i need to bring back assignments but its all good...although there is some problems that is bothering me such as my friends. Ammar is now taking sem break and the others are either busy or went missing. I don't blame them, its tough right now. Something have to change and this is it. No matter, Final Exam is coming soon. It will be on the 20th of April 09- 10 March 09. After the Exam, i will continue working...Insyaallah

Thursday, January 29, 2009


Alhamdulillah praise to ALLAH...the Almighty who gives us the most precious gift of all...RAIN...hari tok nang ujan dari pagi sampe mlm...ini di sbb kan king tide that is approximately 5.8 m....ku plan tek mok kuar utk renew IC and ambik bills tp memandangkan hari ujan, jd terpaksa tunda ke hari sok....hope the rain stops 2morrow and left us with a breeze of cool air...AMIN

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Ku Mencari...Searching...Searching

I think u all have heard of Ustaz Akhil Hayy....if you have not, let me brifely inform you....he once was a rock star in the 80', after a few decades..he return as a motivater...dakwah nya amat berbeza dgn dakwah ustaz2 yang lain in a sense that, he was able 2 combine nasyid and Islamic lecture at the same time....focus biji mata n minda ku nanga...hehe..ana gik mencari video2 ceramah nya for the past few days...xla sampe makan n tido...just masa yang terluang ya, ku mbik untuk mencari...jadi, ku mok mintak tolong kwn2 ku yang membaca...leh x inform ku mun da jumpa VCD, DVD o mun movie pun boleh ttg ceramah ustaz akhil yang berunsur keagamaan....yang politik2 ya ku dah nanga

Monday, January 26, 2009

Salam..Happy Chinese New Year

happy chinese new year 2 all my friends....xkra bangsa....ritok,ku kan berangkat dari rumah mungkin lewat sikit....its diffrent this year because my dad have 2 cook dishes in a large scale roughly 50 kg of rendang and 30 kuih hati parents are getting use 2 it because they have been doing it for the past 10 years....but its only for CNY...hari2 lain nya org xkendalikan business tok sbb masing2 bz dgn dad is a policeman and my mom is a teacher...some of u know how it is....oya, i forgot...happy CNY 2 my blogger friends as well...Muhammad Afiq, happy CNY...walaupun kau xberbangsa cina tp rupa kau nang kedak..hehe

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Its Not The Same

its not the same now....3 of my friends have drop out of AC110 due to their lack of performance in the last examination....2ka bhsa gik...nang susah bagi dak part 2 sem tok,bagi yang xska baca jak la...hehe...roomate dah lain....xmeriah glak sem tok but who am i 2 judge...masih awal sem bah...alhamdulillah,da juak geng masih sama...roomate ku smua pass..da juak dpt dekan...insyaallah,sem tok aim dekan....mun dpt 3 pun,rezeki ya bah